Low-Level Laser Therapy
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a form of cold laser which uses only light energy to stimulate healing at the cellular level. Here you see expert pelvic physical therapist, Luba Starostiak, treating a patient who has an acute flare of mid back pain after receiving chiropractic manipulation in another clinic. Cold laser can quickly calm a painful area. The patient does not feel any heat from its use hence the term “cold laser”. Clinical applications include use in wound healing, tissue regeneration, and pain reduction. LLLT promotes vasodilation which improves blood supply and...
Read MoreVisceral Manipulation
Our internal organs—including the stomach, bladder, liver intestines and many others—are known as viscera. If any one of these internal organs has restricted mobility from trauma, surgery, birth, infection or other causes, a variety of problems—including pain and compromised organ function—may occur. A gentle manual therapy technique known as Visceral Manipulation can be highly effective in restoring mobility and motility to an organ. It does this by restoring space around or within an organ that has adhered to another internal structure or been compressed or restricted. Visceral...
Read MoreInterstitial Cystitis (IC):
Interstitial Cystitis (IC): bladder pain syndrome, is a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder. Interstitial cystitis presents as pain related to the bladder with urgency and frequency to urinate. There is also pelvic floor muscle dysfunction which involves overactivity, spasm, trigger points, shortening, and pain. Here we observe my patient’s cystoscopy results. We are looking inside the bladder via a little camera. You see some red spots which are called glomerulations. Glomerulations are irritated blood vessels which produce tiny areas of...
Read MoreInternational Continence Society Conference 2013 in Barcelona
Just attended a phone conference review of all of the new research presented at the International Continence Society 2013 in Barcelona. Some interesting research topics included: levator ani defects found in 13-39% women after vaginal delivery and MRI studies show that post partum women with levator ani defects at 6 months post partum may recover on their own yet some remain with major defects; patients with urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse who demonstrated severely weak or absent pelvic floor muscle contraction upon vaginal palpation and after being trained in proper...
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